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Submit a guest post

If you’d like to contribute to our site please get in touch with our editorial team at editorials@sounditout.co.uk

We’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks for your interest in writing for our news and current affairs blog.

Here at Sound It Out, we’re always on the look-out for experts to write for us on our site and allow our readers to learn more about the topics that we cover.

We accept a multitude of guest post topics examples of which are:

  • Health
  • Technology
  • World news
  • Environment
  • Politics

Guest blogging guidelines

We welcome news guest posts from bloggers, authors and brands who are looking to reach our audience and provide them with relevant advice.

However, we do ask you to stick to the below guidelines when you write for us:

Word count

Please make all submissions at least 500 words in length. Whilst we agree on quality over quantity, we want to make sure that our site offers actionable, in-depth property and home improvement advice.

Unique content

Whilst we recognise that there may be some awesome health articles and technology hosted on your own blog, we do ask that all guest post submissions are completely unique! This helps to make sure our readers cannot find the content elsewhere.

Additional artwork

We’d love to share your data and infographics, if you have them and they’re along the guest post theme! Please include these in your email when submitting your article.

Commercial Content

We do not freely publish commercial content, for any content considered commercial there will be a posting fee.Commercial content is considered to be; PR content, content marketing, syndicated content, and do-follow links.If you are interested in posting commercial content on sounditout.co.uk please contact the editor to discuss pricing.